24 Mar 2011

quote of today

I just found it on my FB's friend profile and I liked it....it is something I wanted to say one year ago...

21 Mar 2011

18 Mar 2011


First Collective PIC !!!


BLOOD was recently revived after more than 2 years of disbandment, and they have now come with news of a single!

BLOOD se nedávno po dvou letech dali znovu do kupy a nyní chystají nový singl!

Akanishi more successful than KAT-TUN


Jin Akanishi's debut single "Eternal" has already sold more copies than KAT-TUN's last single "Ultimate Wheels". The singles were released on March 2nd (Eternal) and February 2nd (Ultimate Wheels).

Jinova debutového singlu "Eternal" se prodalo už více kopií než posledního singlu KAT-TUN "Ultimate Wheels". Singly byly vydány 2. března (Eternal) a 2. února (Ultimate Wheels).