23 Dec 2011


Když Fallen pochopil, že se nemůže vzdát údělu....

16 Nov 2011

Ji Kwon quote

“If an online news article about me is released, the first comment is always someone bashing me. I’m human too, of course, I check (laughs). The antis always see them first and leave hateful comments. I’m actually thankful in a way. If these people really hated me, they just wouldn’t pay any attention to me at all. I think they keep checking my articles because they still expect something of me in the end. Something along the lines of ‘I hate this guy, but I still can’t help being interested’, maybe. Because of people like that I feel like I have to try even harder.”

— Kwon Jiyong (cr:aa-chan.net/asiae interview)

Lidová moudra moderní doby

- Kdo se moc ptá, málo googlí.
- Všechno padá, co software má.
- Co můžeš tweetnout dnes, neodkládej na zítřek.
- Tak dlouho se chodí s Acerem do práce, až mu víko upadne.
- Co na srdci, to na Facebooku.
- Všude dobře, s WiFi nejlíp.
- Tak dlouho se chodí s otázkou na Seznam, až se zajde na Google.
- Kdo chce kam, nabourá se tam.
- Dvakrát zálohuj a jednou formátuj!
- Darovaným titulkům na hrubky nekoukej.
- Kolik máš účtů na sociálních sítích, tolikrát jsi člověkem.
- Přišel, viděl, vyfotil a nasdílel.

14 Nov 2011

AFM -asiofil's meeting- 2011

Prosincový sraz asiofilů - obdoba JPFS I v nějakém kulturnějším duchu



O co jde: Vítáni jsou všichni se zájmem o Japonsko, Koreu, Čínu, Indonésii,  Thaisko, Indii atp.(kulturu, kuchyni, jazyk, hudbu, drama...) a tak dále!

4 Nov 2011

ONE OK ROCK 5th album

new album cover

Tabi pout mode


Polls results

So as you can remember I have put 2 questions...


There are results:



for the first one the result is pretty good I think - most of voters use chopsticks "very often" :)

the second one is  not so good for me. I would like to know why you don't like the blog image but well I should ask you to write it down before... So still there are more votes for "like". So I am okay with this result.



Go for next poll :-P




Tabi 4ever 5



[video]How do I cut and style my hair (ulzzang hairstyle)

Something like tutorial...just styling my hair...


blah blah blah about these days



30 Oct 2011

[film] Do re mi fa so la ti do

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (Hangul: 도레미파솔라시도) is a 2008 South Korean film based on the internet novel of the same title by Guiyeoni. Directed by Kang Geon-hyang (assistant director of Romance of Their Own) and produced by New Crayon Entertainment.



I don't really remember if I have talked about it before...did I?

I am pretty sure I did..but still...DAIFUKU!


Bento (my piece)

I was not sure about put this here but still... I did it XD

20 Oct 2011

20 Sept 2011

Beret inspiration

and something more...

our TOP oppa

this is not Medailon, I will put it later, but since I am obsessed with some concrete artists I will add shit like this more often here I guess.

Today's nightmare

co mi měla ukázat moje dnešní noční můra?


Blog layer changed

I am sure you noticed...


Pokud někdo tenhle blog navštěvuje, tak si zřejmě všiml...

18 Sept 2011

Tattoo - the stars

cuz I wanna get tattoo...thinking about stars.
I don't even care abou your opinion about "stars tattoo"...how uncool it is... I love stars on the sky, I love stars printed on clothes... well I am just thinking about where to put them... neck? leg? back?